Ayurvedic Dietas offered exclusively at Yacumaman Sanctuary of Integral Shamanism combine sattvic or holistic and balancing principles of Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle with the ancestral shamanic traditions of undergoing Master Plant Dietas. Our creditworthy protocols have been designed to gently rid the body of residual toxins as well as to purify and clarify the mind and senses. Consider this process an overall systems reboot which allows the space for the spirit to receive profound healing and insights.

Within the Amazonian cosmovision, health is the expression of social and ecological equilibrium and depends on the quality of our relation with the spirits of the land, plants, animals and ancestors, as well as to the unseen and inexplainable forces of Nature.  It is also important to consider that our optimal sustenance is not simply derived from the food we put into our mouths, but from all our impressions and whatever information is taken in through the senses.  In fact, our nourishment originates with the subtle energies consumed by the mind.  During the course of an Ayurvedic Dieta, one must relearn to honor the sacred act of eating on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and vibrational.

We truly understand there is no “one size fits all” protocol that works for everyone.

Our Ayurvedic Dietas are customized specifically to the needs of the individual. These expertly designed self-care programs are tailored to precisely address the multifaceted nature of each client, while providing impeccable support throughout the process of implementation. We aim to empower each individual with knowledge of how to be more in harmony with oneself, one’s relations and Nature, in order to live more vibrantly and to fulfill their highest potential on all levels.